Thursday 19 August 2010


Thursday 12 August 2010

Billy Bride...

I want one..or two..or three...or ALL!!!

Friday 6 August 2010

Le Temps Passait...

Faubourg Saint - Denis from steve on Vimeo.
A scene I feel I can relate to today... 2 words: Tom Tykwer <3

Thursday 5 August 2010

Minimalist Valerie...

There is something so personal about her photos that I love; so delicate and sensual. She captures the mood and textures of scenes that people generally fail to notice in life.

Click on Title for + info.

Monday 2 August 2010

Catherine Deane...

Catherine Deane is a designer I've admired since I saw a dress displayed at the Bon Marche from the time I was living in Paris. Who would of thought that I would bump into the designer herself in Hong Kong. Born in Ireland, raised in South Africa her designs are influenced by her "nomadic lifestyle and her passion for long forgotten craft techniques".

Her dresses speak for themselves... Click on Catherine Deane to find out more.

If I ever get married I need to look no further... I will be wearing a Catherine Deane dress.