Wednesday 20 January 2010


A movie I never thought I'd want to see over and over again! A perfect movie to get people involved with our earth that we're gradually destroying! RECYCLE, SWITCH OFF LIGHTS, USE LESS TOILET PAPER ;-)

av⋅a⋅tar/ˈævəˌtɑr, ˌævəˈtɑr/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [av-uh-tahr, av-uh-tahr] Show IPA
1. Hindu Mythology. the descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form or some manifest shape; the incarnation of a god.
2. an embodiment or personification, as of a principle, attitude, or view of life.
3. Computers. a graphical image that represents a person, as on the Internet.

Happy New Year!

Sorry for being out of touch for so long. Been travelling back to London and then Brazil, Bahia where the highlight of the trip was swimming in the sea on horseback; TOTAL BLISS! A natural therapy I reccomend to anyone :-)