Thursday 30 May 2013

<<*>>Free Spirit<<*>>

Monday 25 March 2013

Collage obsessed - Mathis Rekowski, Berto Martinez, Joka ...

1. Anton Budenko
2. Mathis Retowski
3. Ernesto Artillo
4. Tom French
5. Joka

Thursday 24 January 2013

NOT guilty***

" It’s not that I can’t fall in love. It’s really that I can’t help falling in love with too many things all at once So, you must understand why I can’t distinguish between what’s platonic and what isn’t, because it’s all too much and not enough at the same time."
—Jack Kerouac

Wednesday 23 January 2013


Jupiter's Moons

Trace of Nature...

Artist: Tim Knowles

Friday 7 December 2012

** LoVeR**

Discovered a new brand I've fallen for***

Wednesday 28 November 2012

{ Devil Fool }

Sunday 28 October 2012

Butter ButterFly

1. Carsten Witte
2. Dazed & Confused June 2012
3. Another Magazine Editorial
4. Vogue Gioiello September 2012 editorial

Monday 3 September 2012

PETITE meller

Thursday 30 August 2012

I love...

Jackie Tileston
 Matt Wisniewski
 Matt Wisniewski
 Emma Uber
Courtney Brimms 
Kelly Murray

Wednesday 18 July 2012

detachment, n.
I still don’t know if this is a good quality or a bad one, to be able to be in the moment and then step out of it. Not just during sex, or while talking, or kissing. I don’t deliberately pull away- I don’t think I do- but I find myself suddenly there on the outside, unable to lose myself in where I am. You catch me sometimes. You’ll say I’m drifting off, and I’ll apologize, trying to snap back to the present.
But I should say this:
Even when I detach, I care. You can be separate from a thing and still care about it. If I wanted to detach completely, I would move my body away. I would stop the conversation midsentence. I would leave the bed. Instead, I hover over it for a second. I glance off in another direction. But I always glance back at you.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Por que te vas ??

Tuesday 21 February 2012

3 places 3 words - Wish to go!!

Desperate to explore China and the rest of Asia

 1. Restaurant near Sanyou Cave above the Chang Jiang river, Hubei , China

 2. The Pearl Waterfall, Jiuzhaigou Valley, China

3. Coron palawan, philipines

*Images from The CoolHunter

Tuesday 14 February 2012



Wednesday 8 February 2012

I heart NY

NY escapades twentytwelve...



1. Restaurant "August" NYC
2. Restaurant "Waverly Inn" NYC
3. Movie "Drive" with Ryan Gosling
4. Song of the month "Under your spell" by College (Drive soundtrack)
5. Milton Glaser was the first to come up with the I hear NY
6. "I like" Tees "our generation"
7. Serpentine dance. Saw the video at MOMA. The brilliant architect Gaudi found some of his inspiration from this video.
8. Saw Diego Rivera's exhibition known for his mural paintings with strong political views and also know to have been married to Frida Kahlo

Monday 9 January 2012

Thursday 13 January 2011

i HeArd You SaY...

Skin & Bones...

Picture 1: by Sophie Richard
Art Frames by: Valerie Hegarty
Picture 3: by Anni Leppala